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transporting glazed pots

updated wed 14 apr 04


C.C. Bookout on mon 12 apr 04

I used to teach at various classroom spaces in my area. The places only
had electric kilns available so I would bisque fire the students work
and have them glaze them with my high fire glazes and transport them to
my kiln, a 36 cu foot gas kiln. I had a small pick up truck with a cap
over the bed. I would line the entire bed with a foam egg crate
mattress. The kind you would put in a real bed. The pots would be
positioned on the foam and would stay relatively put. In all the years
I followed this practice I never had a piece break. The glazed surfaces
stayed in tact as well. I guess it depends a lot on the size of the
pots. Since I was transporting usually beginning students work none of
it was too large or unwieldy. Its a thought though and sure beats
having to refire glazed pots or any of the other suggestions. I would
place larger pots in crates wrapped in soft foam rubber.

C.C. on Eastern Long Island where the forsythia has yet to bloom.