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[spam] ot:foreign tongues and lost in translation

updated wed 28 apr 04


Gary Harvey on mon 26 apr 04

Yes, but even dialogs in different dialects of English is different. For
example a small body of water in East Texas is called a "pond". In Dallas
and else where it is called a "tank". A " loo" in England is a rest room
or toilet. Here in East Texas it is a bathroom or restroom and the word
"loo" isn't used at all. In other parts of the USA a large shrimp is a
"Prong" here it is a large shrimp. The small shrimp is called "popcorn
shrimp". We also use some other words that England doesn't have like
"Caboose" (the end of a train). So even dialects have words that can affect
what the meaning is. Texas "Yall" means "you" .Used as in the phrase "Yall
come back now" GH
----- Original Message -----
From: "May Luk"
Sent: Monday, April 26, 2004 4:52 AM
Subject: [spam] OT:Foreign tongues and lost in translation

> Hiya;
> This is either overly OT or Off Tangent. But here it goes:
> Chinese is my mother tongue, English second and I study Italian for a long
> time [with a few months total immersion] One quarter of my life, half my
> family is italian. On my block, Portugese, Arabic, Spanish and Cockney
> English are spoken.
> Language and cultural behaviours are linked. There's an connection between
> language and psychology.
> Food is important for the Chinese. Our common greeting is "Have you eaten
> yet?"
> Chinese logic is based on correlative duality. Trade or business is
> literally 2 characters - buy/sell. Result is the 2 characters -
> success/failure. Putting the contrasting words together enable one to view
> things from opposite standpoints while evaluate the entire concept.
> The type of language used by an individual affects his mentality. Cultural
> behaviour also influence the way one thinks and speaks. The thought takes
> a different path when one speaks in a foreign tongue. Literal translation
> often makes no sense if one is not familiar with the other culture. BTW:
> The italians call this phenomenon "Traduttore-traditore"
> Dialects are the same:
> "What a wanker!" is not the same as saying "What a master baker!"
> Well, I'm still looking for "Nickle and dime" equivalent in british
> Have a good day
> May
> London, UK
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> From Lili:
> ..... Now this is not about me. This is about the fact that, for reasons
> > do
> > not know, writing a language is a totally different kettle of fish from
> > reading it. Among other things--and I hope both Edouard and Janet will
> > help me here--one fears saying something quite dreadful, because words
> > that sound alike are not necessarily the same in meaning--nor is the
> > weight of a word.
> >
> > The other day, and M.le docteur Bastarache corrected my spelling, I
> > wrote that it was ok to call me an "Emmerdeuse" If you look the word
> > up you will be shocked--if you are an English speaker--because NO OLD
> > LADY would call herself that in English (Voila, Edouard, Andre, I have
> > sold several dictionaries!)--but in French that is familiar, but
> >
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