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kaowool ceramic paper

updated fri 30 apr 04


John & Carole Bandurchin on tue 27 apr 04

Hi Clayart folks
I've been looking at the postings re kaowool ceramic paper and was =
wondering what this does for a potter. I'm guessing it's an alternative =
to kiln wash on the shelves, an if so, it sounds like something we'd =
like to try out. We use electric kilns up to about ^8.

Can someone give me a brief outline of what it does for you?

Carole & John Bandurchin
Baltimore Ontario=20 =20

John Baymore on thu 29 apr 04

Lee (and Fred),

My thought too. But was waiting for our resident "saftey Gurus"
to pipe up. While we myopically quibble about the "angels on a
pinhead" topic of iron leaching, we overlook the hazards of ceramic
fiber dust. :-( ;-)

Yeah Lee..... I saw that old post too and my immediate first response was=

to want to mention the possible health issue of such practices. I've
brought the questions about fiber safety concerns up a number of times ..=
(check the archives). But the "fiber" topic has been around and around a=
around so many times before on the CLAYART list that frankly....... it is=

getting tough to keep addressing it over and over.

A number of years ago when a fiber kiln building article was in PMI, I
mentioned my concern here.... and Bill Jones had me write up some safety
warnings for the follow up PMI article. Which was a great response. But=

that was years ago and I still see fiber suggestions and projects turning=

up in the various mags without too much concern for the potential safety

It seems that every time I get into it or bring it up....... it ends up
getting a two week hornet's nest stirred up ......... and pretty soon =
people start saying it is death incarnate.... 10 people say they eat it f=
breakfast and snort it after dinner time........, 10 people want the FBI=
CIA to investigate......, 10 people tell the other people to stop the all=

bickering........, 10 people write in to correct the spelling and grammer=

of the other's posts............, 10 people say that if you take a blend =
wheatgrass extract and maple leaf it will purge your system of the cerami=
fiber toxins........, and 10 people say that the subject is getting too f=
off topic . Pretty soon the CLAYART Digest is up to 220 K a day, and =
one is making pots.... we're all posting responses to responses .

Guess I am getting old and tired and onery .

So to those maybe newer to this field........ before you just "toss aroun=
that nice white man-made asbestos stuff called "Refractory Ceramic Fiber"=

too casually...... do yourself a favor and do your homework on the
possible health impacts. The information is "out there" (sound like
Sculley). Invest some time in your health. Bottom line as I see it.....=
the jury is still out on the stuff. Some evidence says its REALLY bad ne=
stuff....... some says merely simple bad news stuff like silica dust. An=
remember that the new "lung soluble" fiber (Isofrax) has not been around
long enough yet for definitive long term health studies to have been

Is a substance/material safe until it has been proven harmful......... or=

is it potentially harmful until it is proven safe? Your call. Those who=

see the glass as half full will cite the reports that say it is safer....=
and those that see the glass half empty will cite the reports that say it=

is really bad.

"Do you feel lucky today, punk?" - Dirty Harry



PS: Speaking of the archives.... why is it that few seem to check the
archives for information on a subject before asking the same questions th=
have been discussed over and over again?

John Baymore
River Bend Pottery
22 Riverbend Way
Wilton, NH 03086-5812 USA

603-654-2752 (studio)
800-900-1110 (studio)

"Dates Set ------ Earth, Water, and Fire Noborigama Woodfiring Workshop: =

August 20 - 29, 2004"