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invitation from argentina

updated thu 29 apr 04


Helen Bates on wed 28 apr 04

From sculptor Cristina Del Castillo of Paso des Libres, Corrientes,=20
Argentina, an invitation to send a ceramic tile 25cm by 25cm to be part=20
of a mural project that will be shown at the "Freedom and Culture Fair"=20
of the "Mercosur", running from August 6-15, 2004. The artist's plan=20
is to bring ceramics to the attention of the world, and also to provide=20
chance for people of different countries around the world to get=20
together. (Note: The MERCOSUR comprises the countries Argentina,=20
Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay,)

If you wish more information, write to Cristina at:

Cristina Del Castillo,
=93Placas de Artistas=94
Bonpland 565
Paso de los Libres (CP 3230)
Ctes. Argentina

I received this message from Christina:

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: RV: Invitaci=F3n !
Date: Wed, 28 Apr 2004 11:42:57 -0300
From: "cristina del castillo"

Hola amigos ceramistas....

Me gustar=EDa invitarlos para que se sumen y difundan esta convocatoria.
Espero su favorable respuesta. Gracias!!!
=93Placas de Artistas=94
Arte P=FAblico y Participativo
Proyecto Cristina del Castillo

Este proyecto generado por la artista pl=E1stica Cristina del
Castillo, pretende revalorizar y acercar la cer=E1mica al p=FAblico =
general, como as=ED tambi=E9n favorecer la uni=F3n de los paises del=

La Municipalidad de Paso de los Libres, Corrientes, Argentina, con
su secretar=EDa de Cultura y la Presidencia de la VI Feria del Libr=
y la Cultura del MERCOSUR, apoyan y auspician, el movimiento,
=93Placas de artistas=94.

Se invita por este medio, a participar a todos los ceramistas que
quieran sumarse, argentinos y extranjeros, a enviar una placa de
cer=E1mica, hecha a mano, de 25 x 25 cm, con el objeto de juntos,
expresarnos en un mural de dimensiones considerables

Dicho Mural ser=E1 emplazado en un lugar p=FAblico y al aire libre,=
nuestra localidad fronteriza de Paso de los Libres, Argentina, que
ser=E1 visitado por argentinos, brasile=F1os y personas que pasan a
diario por esta ciudad de ubicaci=F3n estrat=E9gica en el MERCOSUR.

Se inaugurar=E1 en el marco de la VI Feria del Libro y la Cultura de=
MERCOSUR , del 6 al 15 de agosto de 2004.

El Mural terminado se publicar=E1 en un sitio web realizado para tal
fin, con los nombres de todos los participantes que decidan donar su

Bases de la convocatoria:

Los participantes deber=E1n enviar una =93Placa de Artista=94, reali=
en cer=E1mica, de 25 x 25 cm, con t=E9cnica y tema a elecci=F3n y c=
on la
firma del autor expuesta, para facilitar la lectura de los
espectadores, que conocer=E1n con una peque=F1a muestra, la obra de =
uno de los integrantes de =E9ste proyecto.

No habr=E1 selecci=F3n, ni costo de inscripci=F3n.

Deber=E1n especificar en la encomienda

=93Placas de Artistas=94
Bonpland 565
Paso de los Libres (CP 3230)
Ctes. Argentina

La recepci=F3n de obras ser=E1 hasta el d=EDa 30 de junio de 2004, a=
efectos de determinar el tama=F1o para la construcci=F3n del muro de

Se solicita a los artistas, en lo posible, enviar un Curriculum
Vitae sint=E9tico.

Para nosotros tiene un gran valor recibir su =93Placa de Artista=94.

Juntos hagamos que este proyecto sea realidad y un=E1monos en un
mural, artistas de distintos lugares para llevar nuestro mensaje y
acercar a la gente. el producto de nuestra labor.

....porque Dios fue el primer alfarero
y el hombre su primer cacharro....

Para comunicarse ante alguna duda : r/>

Esperamos tu respuesta...

Por favor, difundan esta informaci=F3n..... Gracias!!!!!

Below is a machine translation of the above, unedited, and therefore=20
still difficult to understand. I believe by "plates" is meant "tiles."=20
"Plastic artist" probably means "sculptor." "Paises" means=20
"countries." "I SAW" probably is an attempt to translate IV, which I=20
believe is actually the Roman numeral for the number 6. (And so on...)

> Hello friends ceramists....=20

I would like to invite them so
> that they add and they spread this call. I wait for its=20
> favorable answer. Thanks! "Plates of Artists" Public Art=20
> and Participativo Project Cristina of the Castle=20

> project generated by the plastic artist Cristina of the=20
> Castle, tries to revalue and to approach the ceramics the=20
> public in general, like thus also favoring the union of=20
> paises of the world.=20

The Municipality of Passage of Free,
> the Current ones, Argentina, with its secretariat of=20
> Culture and the Presidency of I SAW Fair of Libro and the=20
> Culture of the MERCOSUR, they support and they support,=20
> the movement, "Plates of artists".=20

It is invited by this
> means, to participate to all the ceramists whom they love=20
> to add itself, Argentine and foreign, to send a plate of=20
> ceramics, done by hand, of 25 xs 25 cm, with the intention=20
> of together, to express to us in a mural of considerable=20
> dimensions=20

This Mural will be located in a public place and
> outdoors, of our Free border locality of Passage of, the=20
> Argentina, that will be visited by Argentineans, Brazilian=20
> and people who pass to newspaper by this city of strategic=20
> location in the MERCOSUR.=20

It will be inaugurated within the
> framework of I SAW Fair of Libro and the Culture of the=20
> MERCOSUR, the 6 to the 15 of August of 2004.=20

The finished
> Mural will publish in a Web site made for such aim, with=20
> the names of all the participants who decide to donate their=20
> plate.=20

Bases of the call:

The participants will have to send
> a "Plate of Artist", made in ceramics, of 25 xs 25 cm, with=20
> technique and subject to election and the company/signature=20
> of the exposed author, to facilitate the reading of the=20
> spectators, who will know with a small sample, the work of=20
> each one of the members of this one project.=20

There will be
> selection, nor cost of no inscription. They will have to=20
> specify in the charge "Plates of Artists" Bonpland 565=20
> Passage of the Free ones (CP 3230) Ctes. Argentina=20

The work
> reception will be until day 30 of June of 2004, to the=20
> effects to determine the size for the construction of the=20
> sustenation wall.=20

One asks for the artists, as far as
> possible, to send synthetic a Vitae Curriculum. For us it=20
> has a great value of receiving his "Plate of Artist".=20

Together we cause that this project is reality and un=E1monos
> in a mural, artists of different places to take our message=20
> and to approach people. the product of our work. ....porque=20
> God was the first potter and the man its first earthenware=20
> vessel....=20

In order to communicate before some doubt: to
> to=20
> We waited for your answer...=20
> Please, they spread this information.....=20
> Thanks!!!!!

Cristina's web site

Translation of the site from Spanish to English:
Tiny Url for the above:

The translation was done using


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