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ot waterford crystal

updated sat 1 may 04


Ann Semple on thu 29 apr 04


I did a quick search on Google and found these two articles on leaching of
lead from crystal .
The bottom line seems to be that it is safe enough to drink from crystal but
not store acidic beverages in lead crystal with newer crystal.

"Do not use lead crystal every day. Occasional use is all right, but if you
have a daily glass of wine, don't drink it from a crystal goblet; don't
store foods or beverages for long periods (a week or two, according to
Burke, overnight according to others) in crystal. This is particularly true
for acidic juices, vinegar, and alcoholic beverages. Women of childbearing
age should not use crystalware. Don't feed children from crystal bottles or
tumblers." Research performed at Columbia University found that storage of
wine in lead crystal decanters raised the Pb concentrations to as high as 7
ppm. The EPA standard for lead in drinking water is 50 ppb" Reference: Food
Chemical News, Vol. 32, No. 52, February 25, 1991. Food Chemical News, Vol.
33, No. 3, March 18, 1991. lead-mugs/leadmugs.txt


Ivor and Olive Lewis on fri 30 apr 04

To add to what Ann said I did a search through the inorganic compound
lists and found Lead Citrate and Lead Acetate, both water soluble
Best regards,
Ivor Lewis. Redhill, South Australia