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photos..i have posted my albums, henko bottle, horsehair,

updated fri 30 apr 04


Angela Davis on thu 29 apr 04

Sajans + lots of photos.Sony CD300

Hello All,

For those who wanted to see the Sajans used on my burnished
pots , I have created an album with an example.
It includes the
Henko bottle I created in concert ( read competition) with Lee Love,
I have to bow to Lee, he started late but finished first and has sold =
his already
for a handsome sum. A real winner, who shared all his knowledge about
this tecnique with us all, thanks so much Lee.

Since I was unable to test the glaze recipes he gave me I had to wing it
on this bottle, I used glazes we already had mixed up from Mastering =
Cone 6 on the
body, Varigated Blue with Raspberry over, resulting in a very =
interesting dark purple,
the decoration is Floating Red trailed on. I was trying for the Sage =
Nuka effect
Lee gets over his Kaki glaze. =20
Also a picture of the Horsehair pot I finished last night, my best to =

The lidded pot is done in Tom Buck's Cream Breaking Red with Floating
Red accents.


Whle I am sharing I decided to add all my photos from NCECA, I know =
plenty have
been posted but there are a lot here of all the different displays of =
pottery we saw.

As a digital camera note; I have a Sony CD300 which uses the 3 inch =
CD-RW disk you
can pop right in your CD Drive, it was the cheapest way I found to take =
an unlimited
amount of 3.3 Meg photos. I can get 100 per disk which costs $2, so I =
never have a
problem of downloading images to free up space. I took over 700 =
pictures the last
time I visited family in Sardegna, it would have been very expensive to =
do this with
conventional memory and I can archive my disks.
The CD300 isn't for everone, most complain about the size, but since my =
other camera
is a Nikon EM with lenses the Sony feels small to me.

Angela Davis
"Have joy in evrything you make."

If you are interested here are the links.
NCECA Shuttle Tour


Amaco Gallery

Clayart Mug Exchange

Orton Cone Box Show '04
