Joyce Lee on fri 30 apr 04
Drat, drat, drat. Heard again about the=20
great article on Clayart's Own David
Hendley ..... this time by telephone from
Back East (as we say out here on the
left coast). Some buds have had their
copy for days!! Not I. I know that I am
Ceramics Monthly's most avid fan .... I
relish seeing what's new and different every
month ...... read it from cover to cover...
after obligatorily first going through and looking at=20
all the pictures, of course, and examining every
single ad. (The Personals occasionally yield
some gems.) To me and my ilk, the advertisers
are like celebrities ..... well, in my world they are.
You'd think that Ceramics Monthly and ACerS
would somehow Know my #1Fan status and get=20
me a copy early on........... at least, not last!
Nope, come to think of it, I'll bet that Les up there
in British Columbia still
doesn't have his. If you do, Les, don't tell me!
I can't stand it!
I want to see that article..... dratdratdrat.......
In the Mojave
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