ASHPOTS@AOL.COM on sun 9 may 04
I lectured at the the WMM Thursday nite. I showed them how i use clay and ash
for glaze..
I talked about firing my work and showed some pots and some slides.I also
learned a lot too. There were Phd's in Geology and a retired Ceramic engineer in
the audience
This Museum as about Georgia Minerals,, It was amazing how many materials
that we use for ceramics come from Georgia..
There is a case full of Rutile Crystals ,, they are more then 1" across and a
great color.. Also were Titanium, Calcite, Kaolin, Ilmenite, Lepidulite,
Pyrophllite,Talc, Bentonite, and Barite,, There is a mine near Augusta that groups
go and dig,, Well i guess im going to have to join a Mineral Club,,
If any of you Clayarters live near White Georgia there will be a Rockfest
Saturday June 12 ...there will be all kinds of Gems , Fossils,and minerals for
sale ..
I just think its so interesting in seeing our materials in their raw state
and some of them are beautiful.. The Museum is right of 1-75 north of Atlanta..
I had been driving by for years any finally drove in..
Just has to share this cool place
Mark "Axe" Issenberg
Lookout Mountain Pottery
Rising Fawn Georgia
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