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granite or soda or ???

updated wed 12 may 04


Maurice Weitman on tue 11 may 04

Hello yet again,

There was a bit of room in our soda kiln, so I took two mugs I'd
relegated to glaze tests, painted on some engobes and washes and
hoped for the best. I was not able to be there for the loading or
firing, so can't say with certainty what might have caused this, but
these two pots, and more than half of the others in the kiln came out
with chunks of what must be soda. I put some pics of the mugs here:

The close-ups show terrific crazing. Beautiful, really. Maybe not
so functional, but as you'll see, the chunks make them unusable

Reading about and then seeing John Baymore's
granite chunks made me remember these
mugs. He mentioned that some of these pots take several (6 to 8)
firings to fully (or sufficiently) melt the chunks.

So... I wonder whether these pictures might offer someone a clue as
to what might have caused the soda mis-firing.

While I'm here, I recently learned that, by default, the
high-resolution images were not available on clubphoto, the site
where these pictures are hosted. I recently "upgraded" to a premium
service at clubphoto and set the option to allow high-res viewing
(and therefore downloading) of images.

So, if any who wanted better views of the MC6G pics I mentioned
yesterday, they're now available at:

Maurice who'll likely be off-line from tomorrow morning through early
next week while I'm in and travelling to and from Idaho for Craig's