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firing and gas

updated sun 16 may 04


Kathy Forer on fri 14 may 04

What very thorough and helpful description, thank you for sharing it so
Don't fall in the kiln!

Is it necessary to encase or protect a gas line? I have a flex gas line
going about 20' to my heater. It runs on the ceiling slab ceiling, a
low ceiling, 6'7", attached with metal clamps (and plastic ties too,
right, will need to be fixed) four feet from the ceiling/wall corner,
and runs above the area where I would locate my kiln. The kiln can go
about five feet from it laterally, xy, but would still be probably from
4-9 feet diagonally from the top of a kiln, depending where I place it.

How unsafe is it to have an electric kiln located below a gas line?
