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moorish lustre

updated fri 14 may 04


Ivor and Olive Lewis on thu 13 may 04

Well Friends,
I have found out that the upper temperature for firing my recipes for =
Moorish lustre doped with Copper and Silver compounds is about 750=BA C.
This limiting point, which may be an overestimate, showed itself when I =
was a bit late for a reading of the Pyrometers. The carrier base, in =
this case Yellow Ochre, had fused to the surface of the Soda Felspar =
Cone 8 glaze that I use after I heated to 750=BA C.
Since I have found that at 600=BA C the lustre elements do not seem to =
transfer to the glaze it is back to the drawing board with the =
intention of starting at the lower end of the range and progressing up =
in 25=BA C increments.
Never mind, preparing the samples was good brushwork practice and I did =
find out that my "Wild Acacia Gum" has excellent adhesive and flow =
Best regards,
Ivor Lewis. Redhill, South Australia