e wilson farrington on mon 17 may 04
Hi All,
Tell me I'm not crazy! Either I never noticed the pieces in question =
were wonky to begin with or the microwave did some godawfully weird =
damage. One piece is a slipcast bowl from a potter friend--supposed to =
be microwave safe. The others are "gift" plates from Target in a square =
shape that I use to nuke stuff on, (yeah, yeah, I know). Two of the =
square plates now no longer sit flat--the flared rims are tilted =
downward. The slipcast bowl did something similar, with the lip now out =
of level. Needless to say, they are no longer being used in the =
microwave! It seems particularly odd because I used to stack the plates =
on a shelf. One day they no longer stacked straight. Hmmm.....
Has anyone ever heard of this before? If it was actually the microwave, =
you'd think that they would just crack or craze. So maybe I just need a =
new pair of eyes? Or is my microwave possessed? I have found no =
reference to this problem anywhere and I'm thinking that's because it =
doesn't exist. However, it does seem like the kind of thing I would have =
noticed right off the bat---you'd THINK!
Elizabeth Wilson Farrington
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