terry sullivan on fri 4 jun 04
Well Malcom uses high grade porcelain for his carbon trap glazes. He
prefers Tom Colman Porcelain .
Expensive but worth it. That is what we used when he was here at the
Nottingham Center for the pre NCECA conference workshop in 2003.
If you get a chance; attend a workshop with Malcom. He is really
fantastic !
Terry Sullivan
Director, and Chief Gofer
Nottingham Center for the Arts
San Marcos, CA
reply to: Go2tms@cox.net ( not to the header on Clayart which is
NCAClay@cox .net )
dianamp@COMCAST.NET on fri 4 jun 04
Hi Gail:
I refired one of four pieces from Malcolm Davis' bubbled shino load.
I have 3 more to experiment with.
I filed off the bubbles and reglazed the first one with Porcelain Shino,
then refired it at cone six reduction. It is smooth, but colorless.
It had very little orange color before firing, and has none now.
And no carbon trapping.
So, for the next piece I think I will try another shino,
one with more soda ash.
Gail Dapogny on fri 4 jun 04
Interesting. What, by the way, is "porcelain shino"? I was thinking
that perhaps you should use Malcolm's shino glaze with the redart since
the claybody has no iron in it and you may have round off most of the
the old glaze. And of course it has plenty of soda ash!
...Gail Dapogny
P.S. Is this a new email address for you?
On Jun 4, 2004, at 7:26 AM, dianamp@COMCAST.NET wrote:
> Hi Gail:
> I refired one of four pieces from Malcolm Davis' bubbled shino load.
> I have 3 more to experiment with.
> I filed off the bubbles and reglazed the first one with Porcelain
> Shino,
> then refired it at cone six reduction. It is smooth, but colorless.
> It had very little orange color before firing, and has none now.
> And no carbon trapping.
> So, for the next piece I think I will try another shino,
> one with more soda ash.
> Diana
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> Moderator of the list is Mel Jacobson who may be reached at
> melpots@pclink.com.
dianamp@COMCAST.NET on sat 5 jun 04
Hi Gail:
"Porcelain Shino" is just another shino recipe;
but although it was written for cone 10 it matures at cone 6.
I used it on Malcolm's pot because it is the most fluid one that we have.
No, I didn't grind off his glaze, just the bubbles with a metal hand file.
So I will try his Shino next and maybe a few others in the next load.
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