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mug design. where are the numbers?????

updated mon 21 jun 04


Ivor and Olive Lewis on sat 19 jun 04

Dear Laurie,
Thank you for that value and your comments. Number 73 is logged into
the list. I wonder if there will be a large enough sample to provide
any form of statistical validity from which we can draw conclusions.
Would be great to get a bell curve developing? If we can get a
thousand samples it might start to show.
Come on all you Lurkers. Get out your rulers.
Best regards,
Ivor Lewis.
S. Australia.


Carol Tripp on sat 19 jun 04

Hi Ivor,
I am 7cm and my husband is 7.8cm. But I am wondering if the measurment
shouldn't be from the bridge of the nose to the lips; that's what has to
"fit" into the mug. Someone with a Groucho Marx-sized nose would need a
bigger mug openning. And those of us with smaller noses can use smaller
mugs;-) Or am I missing something here?

Best regards,
Dubai, UAE
90F/32C at 5am this morning. I didn't have the heart to even look at the
thermometer midday. Very little of the normal high humidity.

Ivor wrote:
I wonder if there will be a large enough sample to provide
>any form of statistical validity from which we can draw conclusions.
>Would be great to get a bell curve developing? If we can get a
>thousand samples it might start to show.
>Come on all you Lurkers. Get out your rulers.
>Hi Ivor,
Measuring from the base of the nose to the bottom of the chin, I am 6.8cm
and my husband is 7.8cm. But I am wondering if the measurment shouldn't be
from the bridge of the nose to the lips; that's what has to "fit" into the
mug. Someone with a Groucho Marx-sized nose would need a bigger mug

>From: Ivor and Olive Lewis
>Reply-To: Clayart
>Subject: Mug Design. Where are the Numbers?????
>Date: Sat, 19 Jun 2004 10:53:21 +0930
>Dear Laurie,
>Thank you for that value and your comments. Number 73 is logged into
>the list. I wonder if there will be a large enough sample to provide
>any form of statistical validity from which we can draw conclusions.
>Would be great to get a bell curve developing? If we can get a
>thousand samples it might start to show.
>Come on all you Lurkers. Get out your rulers.
>Best regards,
>Ivor Lewis.
>S. Australia.
>Send postings to
>You may look at the archives for the list or change your subscription
>settings from
>Moderator of the list is Mel Jacobson who may be reached at

Add photos to your e-mail with MSN 8. Get 2 months FREE*.

Ann Brink on sat 19 jun 04

Ivor, people manage to drink out of all sizes of receptacles- how about
juice glasses, small wineglasses, liquior (sp?) glasses, not to mention big
latte cups. There's a reason most commercial mugs are the same size- that's
what everyone is used to -hence feels comfortable with. Except those who
want a bigger one to hold more coffee/tea- and have you noticed how it's
usually said with a note of pride, "I really like a BIG mug"? The only
person I've ever met who liked a smaller cup was my father-in-law who wanted
coffee out of the thinnest porcelain- he wanted that first sip to be HOT.

Ok, I give in- I had to measure. Lets say an even 3". But who knows at
what point on our chins we are stopping- (I know you never thought this was
going to be an exact excercise!)

Ann Brink in LOmpoc CA

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ivor and Olive Lewis"
Sent: Friday, June 18, 2004 6:23 PM
Subject: Mug Design. Where are the Numbers?????

> Dear Laurie,
> Thank you for that value and your comments. Number 73 is logged into
> the list. I wonder if there will be a large enough sample to provide
> any form of statistical validity from which we can draw conclusions.
> Would be great to get a bell curve developing? If we can get a
> thousand samples it might start to show.
> Come on all you Lurkers. Get out your rulers.
> Best regards,
> Ivor Lewis.
> Redhill,
> S. Australia.
> .
> Send postings to
> You may look at the archives for the list or change your subscription
> settings from
> Moderator of the list is Mel Jacobson who may be reached at

Valice Raffi on sat 19 jun 04

>Come on all you Lurkers. Get out your rulers.

mine is 70, but I'm short!

in Sacramento, but soon to be Las Cruces, NM!

Nancy R Chestnut on sat 19 jun 04

Another thing that would affect whether a drinking vessel bumps your nose is
the shape of the vessel. If the sides of the vessel are straight up and
down, you'd need to tip it 90 degrees from upright to get the last drop to
roll out. If the vessel is juice glass shaped (narrow at the bottom, flaring
out to widest at the top, you don't have to raise it all the way to 90
degrees. If your vessel is fatter at the bottom than it is at the top, or
has a fat "belly", you're going to need to raise it more than 90 degrees to
get the last drop, OR tip your head way back. In that case, a flare out at
the very top will give your nose some extra room. So perhaps in our numbers
game we need to introduce this variable?

nancy in cincinnati

Ivor and Olive Lewis on sun 20 jun 04

Dear Carol,
Thanks for both measurements, they are logged in.
Your are not missing anything or mistaken in your suggestion for an
alternative measure.
Some one suggested the lower side of the chin to the nose and I went
along with that idea. As long as we get enough values put forward we
may be able to get a statistical peak on the Bell Curve. Whatever the
outcome I think we must remember the results do not represent a valid
statistical population.
No doubt the anthropologists might confirm this opinion.
Best regards,
Ivor Lewis.
S. Australia.


Ivor and Olive Lewis on sun 20 jun 04

Dear Valice Raffi,
At the moment you are with the majority !!
Thanks for your value.
Best regards,
Ivor Lewis.
S. Australia.


Ivor and Olive Lewis on sun 20 jun 04

Dear Ann Brink,
Thank you for your information. Your mark is added to the list.
I suggest a lower fixed point of reference as being hard against the
underside of the lower jaw bone.
My old friend David "Crash" Craddock, a head master I worked for,
asked me to make small coffee mugs. He never had enough time to drink
a large mug full without some form of interruption. But he could get
pleasure from a small mug full.
I make small coffee mugs for my own use.
Coffee in large quantities becomes a Health Hazard
No sign of the "Bell Curve" yet. Need another couple of thousand
points on the graph.
Best regards,
Ivor Lewis.
S. Australia.