Lesley Alexander on tue 15 jun 04
Are there diamond-coated disks that work with a conventional motor =
presently equipped with less effective grinding disks? They aren't =
evident on the net.... Lesley ljonesa@cox.net
Paul B on tue 15 jun 04
there is a company named Pearl that makes a diamond-cup grinder that fits
on a basic 4 1/2" angle grinder, available at construction/contractor
suppliers (not at home improvement places though) and it is worth it to
call around because i found a bit of price variations on them. I finally
spend about $175 on mine but it was worth it because i got all my kiln
shelves at not cost from an old kiln, and had to grind them down and flip
them so they would straigten out. Now they are as good as new.
Paul B
william schran on wed 16 jun 04
Lesley wrote:>Are there diamond-coated disks that work with a
conventional motor presently equipped with less effective grinding
disks? <
What size disk? Self adhesive? What do you mean "conventional motor"?
What is the equipment you're using? Bench grinder, flat lap, what?
Need more information to answer your question.
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