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where can i order paper pulp in nw of usa?

updated mon 14 jun 04


Tom Barnett on sat 12 jun 04

I am going to the Archie Bray Foundation to do some research at the
beginning of August. I am currently in the UK. I need to order some dry
paper fibre to mix into clay for when I arrive. Approximately 75lbs. Does
anyone know any stockists in Montana or Washington state who I can contact
over the internet or by phone?

jennifer hoolihan on sun 13 jun 04

Seattle Pottery Supply sells the pulp they use in their paper clay.
However, it's not listed in the e-catalog. You can contact them by email- or phone (206) 587-0570. Hope that helps you!

Jennifer Hoolihan

>I am going to the Archie Bray Foundation to do some research at the
>beginning of August. I am currently in the UK. I need to order some dry
>paper fibre to mix into clay for when I arrive. Approximately 75lbs.
>anyone know any stockists in Montana or Washington state who I can
>over the internet or by phone?
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