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bloating in porcelain

updated fri 25 jun 04


Teresa Testa on thu 24 jun 04

Hi Everyone,

I usually just read the posts and take all the good advice I learn and use
it in my studio, but recently I ran into some major problems which cost me a
lot of time and energy and I thought I might avoid more of the same in the
future if I got some good advice, so here goes...

I bisque fire to 04 with a 6 hour soak at 212 and hour soak at 1060. I glaze
fire to 2345.

I have been using the same firing schedule for my porcelain work for the last
year with good results, but the last glaze firing I did I had a bloat in at
least one spot on almost every piece. The only thing I changed was switching
the crystal hold time from 1999, 1962, 1956 to 1999, 1956, 1962. I hold an
hour at each temperature.

I fire at a slow rate for both bisque and glaze as my work is very thick at
the base and thin at the top. Any ideas on what went wrong?

I am interested in more information on what Ivor had to say about the
decomposition of calcium sulfate which creates sulfur trioxide gas. If this was in
fact what heappened to my work, what causes the gas to become trapped in the
clay body and how do you avoid it.

Thanks, Teresa

Windancer Studio