Paulette Carr on sat 3 jul 04
This is the case of the missing clayart mail: No digests or confirmation
emails in my Mailbox since 6/28/04. Just thought that I would let you know that
I have been receiving digests and confirmation mail from, but aol has been sending it to my spam folder, in spite of the fact that
I have my controls set to receive all mail. Is anyone else having this
probem? Because I still use Mac OS9.2, I can only use aol version 5.0. I realize
that I am paying premium $ for poor service. It is the decision BY AOL to
treat clayart mailings as spam that has me bothered. I should probably switch,
but I don't know if I would have any benefits considering the system on which
I operate, or would it be much the same on another service? Any, and all
firsthand advise from those who use the same operating system would be great
appreciated -- off line, of course.
Thanks, in advance!
Paulette Carr
St. Louis, MO
Ellen Currans on mon 5 jul 04
Thank you, Paula, Maurice, Ann, Brad and Gail --------
For responding to my query about missing ClayArt E-mails. Apparently ClayArt
still has my address and is sending E-mails. After Paula's post I checked
the Spam Folder and there I found 130 ClayArt posts from the 29th through July
4. My Spam controls are set at allowing All Mail also, so I don't understand
why all of a sudden they are going to Spam. My question now is how do I fix it?
I will call AOL (after I check with my computer engineer son who works for
Hulett Packard) but does anyone have a quick fix? I learn everything on the
computer the hard way --when I have to use it. I didn't know I had a Spam
Until this past week I have not had a lot of problems with spam or virus.
It seems like most of the new worms and virus are being written for the later
verious. We have deliberately not upgraded from AOL 6.0 or Windows 98. Maybe
this is AOL's way of telling us we need to upgrade? or buy more of their
Anyway, I have discovered that reading the archives is not too bad a way to
read Clayart posts.
Ellen Currans
Dundee, Oregon
Cat Jarosz on wed 7 jul 04
I am not receiving Clay art in any way shape or form this week. I got a few
trickled in last week after it had been down for the weekend but then
everything stopped... NO Clay art now for many many days. I am also AOL but cant
figure out why it stopped and I have no spam folder from aol to check.
What are people with aol doing ? Has Clay art finally decided that aol is
to much of a hassle and kicked us out??
Because I am not getting "Clay art" replying to the list is pointless and
I'd need someone to email me direct at _cat81257@aol.com_
( with any heads up on how to fix this problem.
I have a few friends that are not receiving the digest and they are not
aol. I get the regular clay art not in digest form . Technology is a
wonderful thing I sure wish the spammers and other miserable or bored people
would let well enough alone and not try and ruin a good thing for everyone..
Thanks in advance for any and all help with this problem.. Cat Jarosz
anxiously waiting to unload a kiln of pots after shutting down and then having
60 MPH winds hit ... copper reds might not like that kind of weather...
V)''(V & >^..^< Chicks with beards rule !!!
Don Goodrich on wed 7 jul 04
Hi Cat,
It looks like the ACerS server has somehow lost the Digest function, so
it's not just you, or just AOL.
I have a spam folder on AOL, and Clayart NEVER appears in it.
Until the good folks who manage the list get the digest fixed, you can
satisfy your craving for Clayart
by going to the following website:
and clicking on the most recent thing on the menu.
As for the type of digest you get, you might be able to experiment with the
choices on this page:
and (assuming the digest reappears) find a format more to your liking.
Good luck,
Don Goodrich in Zion, Illinois and missing those digests, too!
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