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painter ...... delay

updated fri 9 jul 04


Joyce Lee on wed 7 jul 04

I know this is off-topic but I'm not moderating and
it's up to Melvin.

I'm looking for information about a painter known
for light/dark effects ...... probably Italian Baroque.
The only name I have is DeLay.

Please reply off-list if you are inclined to assist
an Old Antique Lady who Needs Lots of Help.

Thank you.

In the Mojave Desert of California USA

Kathy Forer on thu 8 jul 04

On 7/7/04 5:28 PM, "Joyce Lee" wrote:

> I'm looking for information about a painter known
> for light/dark effects ...... probably Italian Baroque.
> The only name I have is DeLay.

Probably Eugene Delacroix, though it could be Georges de La Tour.
Light/dark effects would be chiaroscuro or "clear-obscure," light and dark
used to achieve a dramatically heightened illusion of depth.
