mel jacobson on sat 10 jul 04
i was just thinking about tools and
replacement parts.
when you have a chain saw, you do not
have just one chain. you have 5.
two over at eugene's getting sharpened.
two in reserve, sharp as razors, and a
good one on the saw. only way to have a saw.
then, of course, you get toniclay's husband to
tune it...stihl of course.
you have two extra blades for your table saw.
5 blades for your circle saw.
at least ten belts for your belt sander. (ruff to smooth)
the list can go forever, but the kiln fits
in with this list.
one set of coils for the kiln.
in reserve.
one flapper ball for your toilet too.
a belt for each of your wheels. (i got nipped at the farm.
had the belts for brent in my studio in minnetonka, had one snap
and had to call brent. they got me one in two days.)
for the gas 36 inch thermocouple. hangs
on the kiln.
one garden sprayer, full of water, next to the kiln.
one big fire extinguisher next to that...and make sure
your garden hose can reach your studio. (never spray water
on a hot kiln. it becomes an a-bomb.)
one bernz-0-matic torch next to the kiln. (two extra
propane bottles on a shelf.)
(have a mapp gas bottle for high temp welding.)
never have enough flashlites. extra batteries.
keep that 8 pack of d cells for your radio/ just in case.
one shot gun, two boxes of shells. (emergency use only.)
it is about being ready, those that are never ready...always
come to my house for stuff on a sunday night. dorks.
`mel, you got a 5/8 course bolt/ four inches long?`
` do you want a lock washer and nut too?`
`oh, thanks`.
never get it back though..gone forever.
i tell people that my tools are very heavy. the chain saw
weighs 235 lbs.
it comes attached to me.
Minnetonka, Minnesota, U.S.A.
web site:
or try:
Ivor and Olive Lewis on sun 11 jul 04
And Mel lives not a stones throw from the merchant ! !
Good investments. Saves time. Saves energy. Saves expense. Defeats
inflation. Bet he gets all his vehicles serviced on the dot as well.
Keeps good tempered as well. Sound advice.
> i was just thinking about tools and replacement parts. when you have
a chain saw, you do not have just one chain. you have 5. two over at
eugene's getting sharpened. two in reserve, sharp as razors, and a
good one on the saw. only way to have a saw. then, of course, you get
toniclay's husband to tune it...stihl of course.> ........
Best regards,
Ivor Lewis.
S. Australia.
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