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breathing kilns (short)

updated fri 13 aug 04


ASHPOTS@AOL.COM on wed 14 jul 04

I guess thats why i like these old Alpines,, they are on legs and in the
air.. We have moved the newest old Alpine 16 off the falling apart porch and now
its on concrete in a garage, we now have the turn it around and slide to a door
and bring it up about 14 inches and out into a driveway.. It least it sounds

Mark on Lookout Mtn

Steve Dalton on thu 12 aug 04

On Wednesday, July 14, 2004, at 03:59 AM, mel jacobson wrote:

> in many conversations with feriz delkic and nils etc.
> it seemed that commercial ovens were actually
> lifted off the ground...on wheels, or in a metal base/casing.

When I built my kiln, I made up a frame and I have the
burners coming from the bottom. I don't need any bag walls
to redirect the flame. I don't burn my pots. The flame grabs the
wall and travels to the top.

Other than peeing in the's also unwise to pee
up hill!

Steve Dalton
Clear Creek Pottery
Snohomish, Wa