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updated sat 31 jul 04


mel jacobson on mon 2 aug 04

we are heading out to oregon and the opening
of karen/nils show in portland and area//three openings
in one week.
it is a must to be there. sometimes it is just essential
to be with friends and celebrate all the work and effort
into this wonderful collaboration. i am thrilled to be
going. we will stay in portland for three days...downtown..
in the action. see the city. then tour a bit to the coast.
(have to check the beach)
joyce will have clayart.

remember, mother in law blue is a concept.
it is based on the theory that you can make
the most wonderful glazes, colors, ideas in
ceramics and when certain folks show up....
they run for that ugly blue pot...the one
that makes you wonder `what in the hell did
i make that for?` and they yell...scream.
`wow, when did you learn to make this color?
man, is this nice...don't really care for your new
work, sorta arty`. you gag, turn blue/green..hold
your tongue.
Minnetonka, Minnesota, U.S.A.
web site:
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wayne on mon 2 aug 04

As an addendum to Mel's post"

"...hold your tongue.....and smile all the way to the bank"

Wayne Seidl
Key West, Florida, USA
North America, Terra
Latitude 81.45W, Longitude 24.33N
Elevation 3.1 feet (1m)

> remember, mother in law blue is a concept.
> it is based on the theory that you can make
> the most wonderful glazes, colors, ideas in
> ceramics and when certain folks show up....
> they run for that ugly blue pot...the one
> that makes you wonder `what in the hell did
> i make that for?` and they yell...scream.
> `wow, when did you learn to make this color?
> man, is this nice...don't really care for your new
> work, sorta arty`. you gag, turn blue/green..hold
> your tongue.