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repost: summertime blues: the steps involved in making a mug: and

updated sat 31 jul 04


Don Goodrich on mon 2 aug 04

a plea to Sam the Cat Lady if yer there!

Hi Kathy,
Sam posted this a few times. One of 'em was in January of 2003. You can
find it at this address:

If the above doesn't work, just go to the aqrchives and look for a post
titled "Annual New Years Smile" on January 4, 2003.

Don Goodrich

L. P. Skeen on mon 2 aug 04

a plea to Sam the Cat Lady if yer there!

Kathy, a search of the archives is what you need, but I have done the deed
on your behalf.<:) Click here:
----- Original Message -----
From: "Kathy McDonald"
> Back some years "Sam the Cat Lady" had put together
> an eloquent list of the steps involved in producing a mug.
> Soooooooo if you are there Sam , or if anyone has that list, I would
> really appreciate getting it.