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^5 oxidation matt turquoise help. questions about strontium carbonate

updated mon 16 aug 04


Ivor and Olive Lewis on sun 15 aug 04

Dear Friends,
Considering that the decomposition temperature of Strontium Carbonate
is given as 1340=BA C by Kaye and Laby and CRC quote a melting point of
1494=BA will this be a stable glaze of will it decompose under the
influence of weak and dilute acids?

Strontium carbonate 25.1%
Nepheline syenite 58.6%
EPK 3.8%
Flint 6.7%
Lithium carbonate 1.7%
Copper carbonate 4.2%

Although the elements Barium and Strontium are members of the same
chemical family, the Alkali Earth Metals, the qualities of their
chemical compounds are very different. As I have pointed out before,
Barium Carbonate decomposes in the same temperature range as Calcium
Carbonate. The oxide so created seems to have the same ability to
dissolve freely in silicate melts at Cone 8 and above and in the lower
ranges if Borate materials are present in the recipe.
I would have to test Strontium Carbonate to establish if behaves in
the same manner. Does any one know if this work has been done? Or once
again are we relying on Folk Lore to inform our technology.
Best regards,
Ivor Lewis.
S. Australia.