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a really stupid question regarding slip mixing

updated sat 28 aug 04


David Clark on fri 27 aug 04

Hello kind folks,

I am beginning to mix slip from scratch. after using prepared slips I =
am now in an search for one that suits my needs. So, I have accumulated =
many recipes and materials and have begun what will be a lengthy but =
hopefully successful testing stint. =20

by the way recipes for clay are written, I understand them to be in =
parts. typically part in a clay recipe is 1 lb. 100 lbs make up a =
whole batch and in the case of casting slip an additional 40 lbs. of =
water + deflocculant.=20

so in working with test batches I decided to make batches using parts of =
1 oz. 100 oz's would be the sum of the dry ingredients and then 40 oz's =
of water + deflocculant.

This turned out to be so so wrong. It was not nearly enough water. I =
added water in increments of 20 oz's to get the fluid more like my =
prepared slips are. I realize I need a hydrometer and a viscometer. I =
will use these things once I get through this mishap and understand what =
I did wrong. =20

what in the world am I thinking? why so wrong? I realize I am =
mathematically challenged but I can not determine what I'm doing wrong. =
Do I need to divide?, multiply? these things I can handle of course but =
what pray tell do I divide and or multiply.

Thank you so much for answering my ridiculous question.

David C

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