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wood fired "old pots"

updated sun 29 aug 04


Gary Navarre on sat 28 aug 04

Hay Crew,
It took some doing, like unpacking from 15 years ago when I had to put
everything on hold as far as working in clay is concerned. At the prompt
of others I've put together an album of the themes I was pursuing and am
happy to say will soon be exploring again. I think I've got the link
straight and after viewing if you click on the back to
navarreenterprises albums you'll also get "Koie Ash Cooker" and
"Gathering Wood" to which I've added more explanatory shots. In "Koie
Cooker" you'll even see the artist at work. Most pots were from the
Hobagama from "86-"90 and others from gas kilns around Kalamazoo,

I'm done with the experiment making Cedar oil brush while gleaning
sticks and had just over 1000 lbs. and a ton (well at least a cord or
more) of wood for the kiln. First things first. No sense building if I
don't have fuel up before hand, and I cut all my own wood. In fact I do
all my own work.
Stay in there!

G. in Da U.P.
Navarre Pottery
Norway, Michigan, U.S.A.