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"vanity plates" for clayheads (was: is everyone as busy as i am...)

updated sat 11 sep 04


Ken Nowicki on thu 9 sep 04

Billie's post struck a chord with me I guess.

I've moved several places over the last 15 years or so (5 times within
Southern California, once to Utah, and now I live in New York). During that time
I've had several 'vanity' license plates for fun... as well as expressing my
passion for clay.

I've often wondered how interesting it would be to see what other clay
addicts have come up with for vanity plates for their vehicles. I think it'd be fun
to see. It'd be cool if they could all be assembled on one website or webpage
together, taken with digital cameras or scanned images for all to see. I'd
offer to head up something like this but my knowledge outside of scanning and
emailing a photo is pretty limited, and I'm a bit too busy currently to take
another project on... but... if anyone wants to take the idea and run with it...
I'll be happy to submit a photo of my plate for it. Just a thought is all. :-)

By the way, my current New York State license plate proudly reads...
"CLAYART" :::grin::: Billie, I too was surprised that it had not already been taken
by someone when I submitted it to the motor vehicle department... guess we both
got lucky! So, if you see an SUV in Baltimore at next year's NCECA that has a
NY license plate that reads "CLAYART" on it... you'll know it's me. :-) Honk
and say "hello"!!!

Some of my other previous ones were "CLAY RT" & "CERAMST". Once had one for
my classic 1965 VW Bug that said "BLUES BG" way back when I was playing drums
in a blues band... lol.

Best wishes,

- Ken

"sitting here nursing a bad cold, glad that school has started again and my
little boys are continuing their educational journey... and cannot believe my
oldest is already in 1st grade this fall... Can't believe summer went by so
quickly either... with lots of rain this summer here in New York... fall is right
around the corner, my favorite time of year. Kiln project has been put "on
hold" for a few more weeks, as Steve from L&L had some traveling to do, and I am
wrapping up getting all my "ducks in a row" before I drive out to their
factory to do the actual building of the kiln sometime soon... hoping all our
friends in Florida are going to be safe and sound during this nasty start to a
hurricane season... will check in on Feriz soon... Nan emailed me back that
everything is fine (for now) as they brace for Ivan..."

Kenneth J. Nowicki
Port Washington, NY
Charter Member/Potters Council

In a message dated 09/05/04, Billie wrote:

i also wanted to share with everyone that i got a vanity license plate...
i never thought i would get it.. i had this big list when i went to apply
for it... so many ways to spell it.. so many different ways to say i am a
potter... but i got my very first choice! clayart! can you believe it..
with all the potters in georgia and clayart wasnt taken! i was thrilled!
elated with joy! i am so proud of my license plate. now when i travel
around the good usa every one will know that a potter from ga has invaded
their state or city.. billie mitchell

Laurie Kneppel on fri 10 sep 04

Okay, so who here has CLAYART on their California plates? Huh? Somebody
already has it! Is it one of us?

Sacramento, CA
Potters Council, charter member
Sacramento Potters Group, member