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silkscreening on clay workshop

updated fri 10 sep 04


Darlene Tsukamoto on thu 9 sep 04

Silkscreen Printmaking on Clay II=20

with Jackie Kierans=20

Wednesday evenings from 7:00 pm - 9:30pm for 4 weeks

October 6 - October 27, 2004

Fee: $135.00


We welcome back Jackie Kierans in a second installment of her area
of expertise, silkscreen printing on clay, in this 4 session master
class. Starting from preparing screens and ending up with transferring
your imagery to ceramic forms, Jackie will teach participants the
endless possibilities where printmaking meets clay. She will cover how
to convert original and appropriated artwork into silkscreen prints, and
how to apply these prints either to greenware or fired clay. These
techniques can allow you to produce complex imagery quickly, and to
dependably repeat designs on your ceramic works. Working from hand
drawn images, photographs, and text, participants will learn how to
apply imagery to flat surfaces through direct printing and to irregular
surfaces through the use of decals.

Jacqueline Kierans received her MFA in ceramics from George
Washington University where she became interested in how to convert the
complex imagery in her drawings and paintings into surface treatments
for her functional ceramics and ceramic sculptures. She studied art in
Dundee, Scotland and at UCLA where she studied ceramics with John Mason
and Adrian Saxe. Currently she teaches at Marymount University in
Arlington and works at her home studio in Falls Church.


For more information contact: =20

Lee Arts Center

5722 Lee Hwy.

Arlington, VA 22207


Ph: 703-228-0558 or 703-228-0560



Email: or =20
