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two questions about throwing techniques

updated tue 14 sep 04


Rhonda Kale on mon 13 sep 04

I have found the talk about throwing techniques very, very interesting and have two questions to ask:
(1) This is not being silly-this is a legitimate question-is there a difference in throwing styles or adaptations for men/women?
(2) I am a very visual person-I no longer have a teacher I can go to every day and say "hey show me with your hands how this looks/feels when I am throwing a ____." If I am not sure or have trouble remembering how I did it before, it helps me to see how someone else does it. I am not in the middle of nowhere, but I can see it from here and all the clay workshops are no where around me. Therefore, I have found videos/DVD's helpful sometimes. What Potter series would you recommend as a video textbook reference guide and likewise what would you hang garlic/shoot with a silver arrow/get a cross or otherwise avoid-I DO NOT wish to offend but I just don't want to get a video of somebody telling how wonderful he/she is when I really wanna see how wonderful their hands are....yukkies can be privately emailed if no wish to offend. My thought is movies are rated and I don't have a ton of money to drop on it and if you were to buy just one or two what would y'all buy?

Rhonda Kale
'Illegitame non corburundum'