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another big ????? throwing dry

updated thu 16 sep 04


Ivor and Olive Lewis on wed 15 sep 04

Dear Gene Arnold,
There is a process called "Dry Throwing" (Ref Leon Nigrosh and CM,
about 1972.) There are two major principles to this process There
first is that, beyond the initial centring and opening of the clay, no
more lubricant is applied. So rather than water soaking into the clay,
it evaporates, maintaining or even increasing the yield strength of
your plastic clay as it is thinned. The second principle is to always
keep strong clay below weak clay so you pull in stages commencing from
about a third of the distance down from the rim moving your clay
upwards, then working from 2/3 down from the rim then from the base
to the rim. Note that I have not mentioned using any drying device. If
you can master this technique you can get your 10 lbs up to about 24
ins and then belly out without loosing any height. But this only works
with soffits clay, with a yield of about 2.5 kg/ sq cm. anything
harder will tear from the Torque.
Best regards,
Ivor Lewis.
S. Australia.