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calif. plates... (was: "vanity plates" for clayheads)

updated sun 19 sep 04


Laurie Kneppel on fri 17 sep 04

So far nobody is confessing to having the CLAYART California plates.
My plates have not arrived yet - takes a couple months to get them
They will be the California Arts plates designed by Wayne Thibeaud and
will say
RKY RKU - what else?

Sacramento, CA
Potters Council, charter member
Sacramento Potters Group, member

On Sep 17, 2004, at 5:27 PM, PurpleLama@AOL.COM wrote:

> ClayArt was already taken when I applied for my CA vanity plate in
> July, 2001, so I chose Shulala
> Shula
> no longer in CA
> :-(

Ken Nowicki on fri 17 sep 04

In a message dated 09/10/04, clayart@ROCKYRAKU.COM writes:
Okay, so who here has CLAYART on their California plates? Huh? Somebody
already has it! Is it one of us?

Sacramento, CA


I used to have California plates that read "CLAY RT"... but not "CLAYART"...
you'll have to continue your search I'm afraid...

- Ken

Kenneth J. Nowicki
Port Washington, NY
Charter Member/Potters Council

PurpleLama@AOL.COM on fri 17 sep 04

ClayArt was already taken when I applied for my CA vanity plate in July, 2001, so I chose Shulala

no longer in CA