Gary Holt on wed 22 sep 04
For potters in northern California, and particularly the
San Francisco bay area: On Sunday October 3rd, at 3 pm, there
will be a talk entitled "The Korean Potter" at the UC Berkeley
Art Museum. The museum's adjunct curator, Sheila Keppel will
discuss Korean ceramic traditions, and I'll talk about my
experiences and exchanges with contemporary Korean potters
over the past seven or eight years. I'll also show examples
of work from a few of them, and I'll have information about
the recently established Korean ceramic biennial exhibition,
particularly the international competition.
There is an admission fee, but it will be waived for
any potter (and guest) who brings a pot that can be seen and
talked about at the end of the event. The pot should relate
in some way to Korea, but that requirement is going to be
pretty loose... it can be something made here which shows
some degree Korean influence.
you can email me off list if you have any questions...
Gary Holt
Berkeley, CA.
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