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pale pastel glaze question

updated mon 27 sep 04


Marek Warunkiewicz on fri 24 sep 04

Hi pottereers!

I'm working in a cone 6 porcelain called MCS from Tucker's Pottery in

I'd like to create a series of very pale pastel colors in a gloss glaze.

Can I use a low quantity of Spectrum stains in a clear gloss glaze to create

Does anyone have any recommendations for a base gloss glaze to use for this,
or even some experience doing this?

Does anyone have any images of this kind of glaze?

Thanks all!


Shawn McGuire on sat 25 sep 04

Hi Marek-
You might want to look into Rare Earth Oxides as colorants, they are really

Ron Roy on sat 25 sep 04

Hi Marek,

Some of the materials we use do tone down colours - iron is one and nickel
- certainly the opacifiers like superpax, opax, zircopax and tin - but they
also opacify so it will be harder to do in clear glazes.

You are working on a white cone 6 porcelain so perhaps you should
reconsider using a clear glaze - it will look white anyway - why not use a
shiney opacified glaze that will make the colours easy to pastel?

Just add 10% superpax or 5 % tin and start adding the stains in.


>I'm working in a cone 6 porcelain called MCS from Tucker's Pottery in
>I'd like to create a series of very pale pastel colors in a gloss glaze.
>Can I use a low quantity of Spectrum stains in a clear gloss glaze to create
>Does anyone have any recommendations for a base gloss glaze to use for this,
>or even some experience doing this?
>Does anyone have any images of this kind of glaze?
>Thanks all!
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Ron Roy
15084 Little Lake Road
Brighton, Ontario
K0K 1H0
Phone: 613-475-9544
Fax: 613-475-3513

May Luk on sun 26 sep 04

Hi Merek;

I just did a series of glaze test to get glossy pastels on porcelain.

I've tested Sung Yellow [posted by Lilli], Burke's faux celedon, and a chun
clear [Leah Leitson] They work well as base glaze [I had to adjust them for
UK materials though] You can do a search in the archive for the recipes for
your starting point.

I start with a 200 gm batch, add 1 percent of stain [yellow, lime, turq,
rosso, sea green - colours with medium values to start with] dip one tile.
Then I add another one percent of stain and dip another tile. Each 200 gm I
only add 2 percent max because I want very pale colours. Then I would add 5
percent zirconium oxide for the third dip. I get 3 tiles from each 200 gm
batch - 1%, 2% plus ZrO2. Then I would syringe parts of the different
batches to get different stain combos. In little less than 2 hours, you can
get many tiles to start a colour chart.

I found that the ZrO2 doesn't do much for the porcelain as it's already got
a white background and it only clouds up the glaze, but it might be a
quality that you like for your work.

If you are doing tin-chrome pinks, try rutile in place of chrome. I get very
nice baby pink with chromtaminated rutile from here.

Have fun.

London, UK