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fibre salt kiln/ scrubber

updated wed 27 oct 04


Vince Pitelka on mon 25 oct 04

Alex wrote:
"I am curious if anyone has experience of salt firing with a fibre lined
kiln, with a scrubber on the flu. Any information will be greatly

Alex -
Quite a few people have tried different variations of fiber to line salt and
soda kilns, and the results have been pretty dismal - very fast breakdown of
the fiber. It is easy to understand - the salt vapors simply penetrate the
fibers and break them down from all surfaces very quickly. The only way to
prevent this would be to completely seal the surface. By doing so you would
be eliminating the insulating capacity of the fiber, and I do not know of
any material with which you could seal the fibers effectively that would
also resist attack from the salt.

I am curious as to why you wish to install a scrubber in the flue. The
exhaust gases of a salt kiln are harmless, but will cause rapid corrosion of
metal surfaces.
Best wishes -
- Vince

Vince Pitelka
Appalachian Center for Craft, Tennessee Technological University
Smithville TN 37166, 615/597-6801 x111,

Ivor and Olive Lewis on mon 25 oct 04

Dear Alex Simmons,
Get in touch with the crowd down at Frankston Campus about the
Scrubber. They were doing this sort of thing back in 1988. You might
find something in "Pottery in Australia" from that era as well. I
recall Janet Mansfield had one made for her Sydney studio.
Big, Big problem is disposal of effluent, especially if it contains
what it is reputed to contain.
Fibre would have to be sealed. There may be a coating that could be
used from the ITC range
Best regards,
Ivor Lewis.
S. Australia.

Alex Simmons on mon 25 oct 04


I am curious if anyone has experience of salt firing with a fibre lined =
kiln, with a scrubber on the flu. Any information will be greatly =

Thank you,

