Katheleen Nez on thu 21 oct 04
Haven't been on ClayArt for a while, however, I am not sure how I feel about the train of thought behind some of the comments under this subject heading. "traditional indiginous process". ....."The innocence of Mata Ortiz may be nearing an end"... I'm sorry, but I find these comments, well, Patronizing. I guess all of us Native American potters are just supposed to sit in our little Native American time warp and do our "traditional" little Native American "thing", like we were enscounced in the Museum of Natural History. Hey, guess what, All kinds of Expression don't exactly exist in a vacuum, and the people who live in these so-called "enclaves" react to the forces within and beyond. No matter what "they" tell you. And that expression has just as much validity as the so-called "traditional". Even Maria Martinez reacted to the forces that existed during her lifetime. She (and her husband Julian) pretty much re-invented so-called traditional San Ildesfonso pottery by looking at
pottery shards, much as did Juan Quezada in Mata Ortiz. And peoples variation on the process (using green slips or a butane burner to reoxidize red onto a polished black surface) has no less validity than other expresions. Plus, the whole concept of "tradition" - one person's "tradition" was only an earlier person's "New Wave." enuff rant
Subject: Re: Mata Ortiz questions
I am very interested in going to visit Mata Ortiz with group of students next spring... this discussion makes me wonder if going to visit Tony Roller in the Pueblos would be about tradional indiginous process. Their forming/finishing & pit firings are the same
as fifty years ago. It is closer!
karmien bowman
-----Original Message-----
From: Clayart [mailto:CLAYART@LSV.CERAMICS.ORG]On Behalf Of Kurt Wild
Sent: Tuesday, October 12, 2004 5:35 PM
Subject: Mata Ortiz questions
Don Goodrich, in his post on Mata Ortiz stated: ....."The innocence of
Mata Ortiz may be nearing an end".....
I'd like to hear what others who have been to Mata Ortiz feel will happen
to the village and/or the pottery in general as a result of the newly paved
road. I would also be interested in any new thoughts (other than those
posted on Clayart in 2002) about the use of underglaze colors that has
been going on for a few years by some of the potters, also thoughts about
the potential of non-primitive style firing (propane) and any other
thoughts about the changing times in Mata Ortiz.
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