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raku pottery artist: bruce carpenter

updated thu 28 oct 04


Barnes, Lou Ellen on tue 26 oct 04

To Clay Artists:

I am looking for Bruce Carpenter, a pottery artist who studied in Japan. I
recently received a raku vase with his "hanko" om it.

I am hoping Bruce Carpenter may be a colleague/an acquaintance/or someone
you may have heard of. I plan
to come to Colorado in Spring 2005 to visit my eldest sister lives in
Denver, Colorado. I was a foreign exchange student at Tokyo University. At
that time I visited Hamada-Sensei's home just after he had died, the year
was 1969 or 1970, I am not exactly sure.

I adore Raku pottery.

I am aware of "People Search" on the Internet, but it doesn't work very well
with common names (i.e., like Bruce Carpenderand if you do not know where
they live, it becomes and expansive search (high cost with no results).

Do you know anybody in the "RAKU" Society who might help me?

Thank you,
Lou Ellen A. Barnes

terryh on wed 27 oct 04

"Barnes, Lou Ellen" wrote
>I am looking for Bruce Carpenter, a pottery artist who studied
>in Japan. I recently received a raku vase with his "hanko" om it.
>I was a foreign exchange student at Tokyo University. At that
>time I visited Hamada-Sensei's home just after he had died,
>the year was 1969 or 1970, I am not exactly sure.

lou ellen,
google-search is helpful. 'bruce carpenter ceramics' returned w/
"Although Carpenter resides in Albuquerque, N.M., he, too, spent
time studying pottery with Japanese mentor potters in Japan."
hope he is the one.

btw, you were at tokyo university. when and which department?
during "university siege - daigaku funsou"? i was there till 69.

terry hagiwara