Jay Gertz on tue 9 nov 04
Good morning!
I have an old Creative Industries wheel, probably 25 - 30 years old. The
on-off switch box is kaput, the motor has been checked out and is fine. The
guys who checked the motor said it would be difficult to find someone
locally that would repair the switch box. The company will sell me a new
one, but you have to get the foot pedal and connecting cords all in one
expensive package. They mentioned nothing about repairing the box. I would
like to see if someone could repair the box cheaper than a new unit or buy a
used component. Any suggestions? I am in Asheville, NC
jay s. gertz
Cynthia Bracker on tue 9 nov 04
If the problem is the switch itself, that's a part you can get at Radio
Shack. If it's the board, then yes, you do need to buy the whole thing
because you can no longer get that same board and the new boards don't
hook up to the old foot pedals.
Cindy Bracker & Dave Sturm
Bracker's Good Earth Clays, Inc.
Jay Gertz wrote:
>Good morning!
>I have an old Creative Industries wheel, probably 25 - 30 years old. The
>on-off switch box is kaput, the motor has been checked out and is fine. The
>guys who checked the motor said it would be difficult to find someone
>locally that would repair the switch box. The company will sell me a new
>one, but you have to get the foot pedal and connecting cords all in one
>expensive package. They mentioned nothing about repairing the box. I would
>like to see if someone could repair the box cheaper than a new unit or buy a
>used component. Any suggestions? I am in Asheville, NC
>jay s. gertz
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