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field trip : wedgwoods' test tiles and questions

updated fri 19 nov 04


May Luk on thu 18 nov 04

Dear Andrew;

Thanks for the information.

If you did not remind me, I would forever spell Wedgwood incorrectly; fast
reading is my weakness. :-) [and I read the Lunar Men by Jenny Uglow!]

I kind of have a feeling that everything is happening at Stoke. London
Potters are going there this weekend and I cannot make it - pity.

I would really love to take up your offer but I'm not having a lot of faith
with Royal Mail during holiday seasons. Will you be kind enough to send me
the title of the book and ISBN number so that I can make a search?

I love the Science Museum and I always thought they can do an exhibition
with ceramics as the main theme. That's where I learnt what a pyrometer is.

A belated thank you for you post on the remarkable Josiah Wedgwood.

Best Regards
London UK

mailtoandrew@FSMAIL.NET on thu 18 nov 04

Hello May,

I dont know why but the book does not have an ISBN, however the full
details are:

Title: Josiah Wedgwood: the arts and sciences united

Subtitle: An exhibition of Josiah Wedgwood=92s correspondence, experiment
books and ceramic products he developed and manufactured.
Held at the Science Museum, London 21 March to 24 September 1978

Published: Josiah Wedgwood & Sons Limited 1978

The erroneous addition of an extra E to Wedgwood is not uncommon. It
perhaps added to the confusion that for many years there was a
manufacturer in Stoke called Enoch Wedgewood. If I remember correctly
Josiah Wedgwood Limited eventually purchased them, I think around the mid
1970s, and immediately closed the factory.

I like your idea of the Science Museum holding a ceramic based exhibition.
How does it decided on its programme ... public lobbying ...?

Best regards,


May Luk on thu 18 nov 04

Dear Andrew;

I found it! Not only did I found a bunch of interesting books about
Wedgwood, I also found out that there's a library at the Science Museum [at
the Imperial College]. Thanks very much.

Regarding programmes at the Science Museum, I have a feeling corporate
sponsorship would be more effective that public lobbying [I would be the
only one in the public]. Some sort of trust would be good - I found out at
their web site - the new Dana Centre was built this way. If Imerys Minerals
gives =A350,000 plus a year, there could be a special kiosk on feldspar and
pyro-plastic deformation next to the Challenge of Materials exhibit. ;-)

Interesting thought, I'm going to ask my science group.
