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toe river studio tour this weekend

updated tue 30 nov 04


Sarah House on mon 29 nov 04

This weekend in Western North Carolina we're having the Toe River Studio
Tour. There will be over 100 artists at 75 locations showing their work
on Dec 4-5 from 10am-5pm.

The tour takes place in Mitchell and Yancey counties which includes the
areas of Penland, Burnsville, Spruce Pine, Celo, Bakersville, and all
points in between. There are lots of names you will recognize

There is an exhibit showing examples of the artists work at the Toe
River Arts Council's Center in Spruce Pine. And a reception on Friday
night so that shoppers can meet artists and plan their weekend.

This is my first year in the new location even though we've declared the
studio not yet ready for occupation. We'll set up across the yard in the
house. The lack of windows and doors influenced our decision.

If anyone is in the area come see us!

Maps are available to download at
as well as at most of the studios and strategic locations around the

Sarah House

In Little Switzerland, NC
soon to be
In Burnsville, NC