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rest of "sherri and low fire crazing" from sheryl

updated wed 1 dec 04


Sheryl VanVleck-Wells on tue 30 nov 04

DARN! I use Word Perfect and am so used to the Alt key + method that I =
keep sending e-mail before I am done, instead of saving it in progress =
as I would be in Word Perfect. SORRY FOLKS!

Anyway, Amaco also makes a pure white clay: 20-M, Moist Versa Clay, no =
Grog that is dark grey in the wet stage and I don't like throwing with =
it as much as the 25-M, Moist White Art Clay, no grog. But, I do use it =
and it also works without crazing.
Amaco can be reached at (800) 374-1600=20