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grinding bottoms

updated wed 22 dec 04


Jeanette Harris on tue 21 dec 04

>I can confirm David's where-abouts. Dragged him out of the house and into the
>cold studio bright and early Saturday morning. Picked up a set of
>new "Hendley
>dishes" for my bride of over 10 years plus a few extras. Not to mention a
>few "tricks of the trade"- never knew you had to grind the bottoms...

Grind bottoms? Phhhah! I throw on the 'sink cut-out' type batts and
calculate the bottom depth using a needle tool. Let the pots dry
right on the batt. If I've done it right, the bottoms come out
absolutely smooth and I only need to smooth them up around the bottom

I do this for both stoneware and porcelain.

Never any S cracks either because I usually rib the bottom in and out
for uniformity.

If you try this, though do not sponge the bottom--it will raise the
tooth of the clay.
Jeanette Harris
in Poulsbo WA