pdp1@EARTHLINK.NET on fri 31 dec 04
Hi Rhonda,
I have to wonder, if one took extracts from a Spitoon, from
the top-most layers or the bottom-most ones, or the mid, to
see by experiment ( or expectorant) the differences as may
be of the layer's properties...if in general, the working
properties of the Tobacco in this mode, might not be just
that much improved over the plain sort...?
Saliva being a surfactant and all...as well whatever
additional microbes and effects from general ageing and
festering that the material would have enjoyed...
Just a thought...
...enjoying the last little while of 2004...
...in chilly el ve
----- Original Message -----
From: "Rhonda Kale"
> Kate-
> I have used the same ole pack of chewing tobbaco that
I got my father to buy me several years ago. It doesn't seem
to effect the outcome of the product. The only gross part is
cleaning out the jar afterwords. Just looks
> Where I will ring in the New Year in my socks and flannel
jammies with all the 5 kitties and chihuahua-come to think
of it, they are pretty good party company-they don't hog the
food and they don't drink up the likker!
> On the rest of the journey...
> Rhonda Kale
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