Lili Krakowski on tue 4 jan 05
Sorry. I deleted the info about a website where an article or some =
such by Robin Hopper on Mocha ware, how to, appears. Would kindly soul =
repeat info?
Ditto: I looked for Brother Montmillion in Google, no results. Idea of =
web site address? More info--like first name? about him. (French has no =
sorrow for paraphrase.)
As to slips. I am not sure of what Christina's message is about. Her =
kiln no longer goes to c. 10 and cone 06 glazes are too pricey. Well, =
kilns can be repaired, and I do not understand why 06 glazes are pricier =
than others????
As to slips. Every pottery how to book in the library has recipes for =
every temp range. There are only 3 or 4 materials and they cost the =
same whether you use them at high or lower temps. As to colorants the =
books tell you that also. =20
Maybe I can be of more help if I understood the message?
Lili Krakowski
Be of good courage
Kate Johnson on tue 4 jan 05
Sorry. I deleted the info about a website where an article or some
such by Robin Hopper on Mocha ware, how to, appears. Would kindly soul
repeat info?
Here you go, Lili (I did so want to be a kindly soul for a change.)
The other info is at
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