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what plaster for throwing bats

updated thu 6 jan 05


Carty Ellis on tue 4 jan 05

I have looked in the archive, but didn't find the answer I'm looking for. I have a Randall wheel and a mold for the plaster bats. I want to be able to throw on the bat and then let the piece dry on the bat some, and be able to just lift the piece off the bat - avoiding the wiring off. Is Gypsum #1 what I want for plaster for this type of bat?

Carty Ellis

Dan Hill on wed 5 jan 05

Hello Carty
I would reccommend using No.1 Pottery plaster for your bats. I recently made
some and they work great. No. 1 pottery plaster is more absorbent that
Hudrocal or Hydrostone. Make sure you use the proper proportions of water to
plaster when mixing,
Dan Hill
Hill Pottery
Wilno Ontario Canada