PurpleLama@AOL.COM on sat 8 jan 05
Years ago when I worked for a very large US based company, I was involved with creating a computer system that would collect human resource data from the non US divisions in 92 countries. The EEOC group (the ones that collect the race, age, and veteran status information) wanted to collect race data on the employees in the other 92 countries. We tried to explain to her that that was impossible (not to mention stupid and totally irrelevant), but she didn't seem to understand. Oh, and it's probably illegal in many countries where collecting such data is questionable and moving such data out of the country is NOT permitted.
in Filthadelphia
AKA Philadelphia, PA USA
who is reading and responding to ClayArt rather than writing a short research paper on traumatic brain injury. Guess I just need a break.
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