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smoke detectors

updated fri 14 jan 05


elark1@VERIZON.NET on thu 13 jan 05

a few days ago i had a scary experience. my husband i were awakened at 6am by the loud screeching of a smoke detector. we rushed out of bed and the first thing my husband asked was-whether the kiln was on. i said no and ran down to the basement. the air was thick with smoke and very smelly. the detector at the top of the basement stairs was activated, but the one in the studio never was on. what happened???
we had a furnace malfunction-a blowback which filled the basement area with soot and acrid smoke. but why didn't the studio alarm, located within a few feet of the furnace, scream? after clearing the air and surveying all the soot that now lay on green ware and bisque, i took down the malfunctioning alarm. the battery was good but it still didn't react. found out the trouble was DUST-ceramic dust had coated the contacts and made this alarm non -functional.
so a word to the wise--- vacuum or blow out the smoke detector that is located the closest to your studio.don't know hopw often this should be done, but at least we all should be made aware of this problem
hope this is helpful for all potters.
eleanor arkowitz