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distillate firing

updated sat 15 jan 05


Ivor and Olive Lewis on fri 14 jan 05

Dear Spiral Studio,
Distillate fuel is an excellent source of energy for firing a kiln.
Thoroughly read and digest the information in : D Rhodes, "Kilns",
Frederick Olsen. "The Kiln Book" and Nils Lou, "The Art of Firing "
before you lift a brick.
Distillate can give a very high flame temperature when correctly
fired. So in areas where the flames impinge on the brickwork use High
Temperature Dense Firebrick to prevent both corrosion and erosion.
Got to get my burners out and five them a bit of a polish for when the
fireban season end (30th April)
Best regards,
Ivor Lewis.
S. Australia.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Spiral Studio"
Sent: Friday, 14 January 2005 9:59

> I am building a high temperature kiln. A friend said I should look
> using Diesel Fuel to fire the kiln. Is there any reason I shouln't
do this?
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