Mark & Linda on fri 21 jan 05
I almost hate to ask this but as I'm redoing my web site what is the
thoughts as to web site sales.
Do you feel that the web site creates sales???I have used my site to
send my customers to my shows and galleries as well as show them
color samples so we can talk on the phone about color on what they
want. But little sales come from this site. I am going to add
dinnerware photos prices etc. I have always felt that our 3
dimensional work is better suited for touch as far as sales. Do you
who try to sell on your sites feel it is working???? Mark Cortright
Antoinette Badenhorst on sat 22 jan 05
>I almost hate to ask this but as I'm redoing my web site what is the
> thoughts as to web site sales.
> Do you feel that the web site creates sales???I have used my site to
> send my customers to my shows and galleries as well as show them
> color samples so we can talk on the phone about color on what they
> want. But little sales come from this site. I am going to add
> dinnerware photos prices etc. I have always felt that our 3
> dimensional work is better suited for touch as far as sales. Do you
> who try to sell on your sites feel it is working???? Mark Cortright
Hi Mark I want to ask the same question, but then I am so new at this, that
I think I have to give it some time. My work were recently featured in the
Southern Living and I had over 2000 hits to my website lately because they
mentioned my website. From what I've heard there are people that absolutely
live off their websites. I had a few sales, but mostly people asking for
cataloques and brochures. Guess they still prefer the old fasioned way, or
else I do not provide enough information yet (web development is time
consuming!!!!). I've decided to start advertising my website rather than
myself or my work.
Antoinette Badenhorst
105 Westwood circle
Saltillo, MS 38866
662 869 1651
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