dannon rhudy on sat 29 jan 05
Would anyone who is giving up a reservation for hotel/
NCECA, at any of the hotels please contact me?
Off list, please, dannon@ccrtc.com
I'd appreciate it.
Dannon Rhudy
GAIL Dapogny on sat 29 jan 05
Hi Dannon,
I suspect you will receive many responses, but if you're interested, Lori Leary
and I are sharing a room (in the same hotel as the Clayart room) and would be
happy to have you as a roommate. Lori and I always room together and often she
includes someone else in need of a room. We always have a great time. Last
year, Kelly ("primal") Savino joined us.
Anyway, the offer is open and sincere.
Gail Dapogny gdapogny@umich.edu
Quoting dannon rhudy :
Would anyone who is giving up a reservation for hotel/
NCECA, at any of the hotels please contact me?
Off list, please, dannon@ccrtc.com
I'd appreciate it.
Dannon Rhudy
Send postings to clayart@lsv.ceramics.org
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Moderator of the list is Mel Jacobson who may be reached at
Carolyn Eddins on thu 8 nov 07
HELP?!?! Just have just learned that I MUST attend NCECA 2008 and want to find a roommate who has a room already booked ... I'm a low impact, indenpendent albeit independent person, traveling from Maui, and my 3rd world/state internet connection is making it very difficult to book a hotel. One of Malcolm's minions. Please contact me backchannel if you have space.
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