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handheld extruder

updated sun 6 feb 05


Lynn Barnwell on mon 31 jan 05

Paulette, I have the new extruder you are talking about. Love it!
It is much easier on your hands when extruding and easier to load. You just
screw off the end, pull back the plunger and load. It cleans easy too. I
spray the barrel lightly with WD40. I had the Scott Creek model and would
get frustrated if I let clay dry in it. A mess to fix that. In the new
model it doesn't pose a problem. (You can tell I get lazy some times)

I use it for small projects but have a Northstar Big Blue with wheel for my
larger needs.

Lynn Barnwell
Hinkle Creek Pottery
Corinth, MS

Paulette Carr on mon 31 jan 05

I am replacing my Scott Creek handheld extruder because of the
difficulty/awkwardness of reloading. Has anyone used the Georgies or
Ceramic Supply handheld extruder (15" x 2")? They look very similiar
but there is a difference in the mechanical gearing:, 12:1 and 15:1,
respectively. There is a difference in price, but one comes with 8
dies, the other with 3 dies, so this may account for the difference.
Any information would be appreciated.

Paulette Carr
Paulette Carr Studio
Member/Potters Council
St. Louis, MO

Lynn Barnwell on fri 4 feb 05

June, the hand held clay extruder that I now use is one by Ceramic Supply.
Several of our suppliers carry it, or you can order from Ceramic Supply for
$39.00 Their add is in PMI Jan/Feb 2005 issue for a picture. Their number
is 800-723-7264. They don't list a website.


June Perry on fri 4 feb 05


She mentioned two hand held extruder brands in her message. Which one do you
